Non Durable
Price Rating:
Material Grade:
510 kg/m3
Typical Tree Height:
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Length Ranges:
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American TulipwoodAmerican tulipwood has a wide, creamy-white texture, streaked sapwood. Tulipwood can be referred to as Poplar. The heartwood is pale green to brown, or light yellow to greenish-brown. There can be streaks of blue, purple, dark green and black. Newly cut wood is more of a light yellow to brown, but it changes to a greenish colour on exposure to light. It is usually straight-grained with a fine and even texture, and can sometimes have an attractive blister figure. A great timber for internal joinery an mouldings. Tulipwood paints well. At Wooduchoose we offer American Tulipwood (Poplar), or Poplar for most of our products. We recommend as; Tulipwood skirting board, Tulipwood architrave, Poplar cover fillets, Tulipwood mouldings. There are however many other products that this wood can be used for.
Further reading on Tulipwood (Poplar) timber:
If you would like to read a full profile specification on Tulipwood (Poplar) timber, please visit our sister site, Any One wood, The online wood reference database.
Material Type:
Also Called:
Canary Whitewood, Canoe Wood, Canary Wood, Polar, Tulipwood, Saddletree, Tulip Tree, White Poplar, Whitewood, Yellow Poplar.
Durability Notes:
Tulipwood (or Poplar) is non-durable, and vulnerable to decay-causing fungi and insects. The sapwood is susceptible to the common furniture beetle, but it will accepts preservative treatment although the heartwood is challenging to treat.
The drying and seasoning of Tulipwood (Poplar) is dependant on a number of factors; the speed in which it is processed after felling and logging, the method of drying and the specific kilns or location (if air dried). Generally the care taken by those processing the wood will have an impact on its drying and seasoning. As an overview; Tulipwood (Poplar) - The wood air dries with little impact on the grade and quality of the wood and kiln-dries very well. If it is dried too slowly, sapwood stains and mould can develop. Only a small amount movement of this wood is expected, in service Please note that all wood is liable to move when in service plus there can be dimensional change. The extent of this will depend on; the stability of the species itself, the conditions it is exposed to, the coating, decoration and protection. You will find more information about the suitability of this wood, for any proposed application, by using our interactive system and the filters shown.
Tulipwood (or Poplar) has low resistance to shock loads, low bending strength and low stiffness but has medium crushing strength and steam-bending properties. The wood works well with both hand tools and machinery. It mortices, planes, stains, paints, polishes and varnishes well. Very good for turning and carving and has excellent gluing properties. Dimensionally, fairly, stable.
Typical Uses:
Furniture, interiors joinery, carving and sculpture, patternmaking, doors, dry cooperage, pallets, boxes, core stock, plywood and pulp. Choice logs are sliced into veneers for use in marquetry and cabinetwork.
Moisture Content:
10-12% KD
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