Ash (American White)
Fraxinus americana and related species (oleaceace)

Fraxinus americana and related species (oleaceace) wood colour
Fraxinus americana and related species (oleaceace) wood grain

Non Durable

Moderately Workable

Price Rating:

Material Grade:

670 kg/m3

Typical Tree Height:

Trunk Diameter:

Length Ranges:

Width Ranges:


American White Ash

Ash is normally straight-grained and coarse. The narrow heartwood is almost white. The contrast between heartwood and sapwood makes for a unique attractive material with multiple uses.

At Wooduchoose we offer American White Ash, or Ash for most of our products. We recommend as; Ash skirting board, Ash architrave, Ash cover fillets, Ash mouldings. There are however many other products that this wood can be used for. Ash wood is very attractive and often used for furniture, stairs, ash doors where it is often the feature of a property.

Ash (American White) on the wood database Further reading on Ash (American White) timber:
If you would like to read a full profile specification on Ash (American White) timber, please visit our sister site, Any One wood, The online wood reference database.

Material Type:

Also Called:
White Ash

Durability Notes:
American Ash is non-durable. Vulnerable to attack from the common furniture and powder-post beetles. It takes preservative treatment well.

The drying and seasoning of Ash (American White) is dependant on a number of factors; the speed in which it is processed after felling and logging, the method of drying and the specific kilns or location (if air dried). Generally, the care taken by those processing the wood will have an impact on its drying and seasoning. An overview of the seasoning of; Ash (American White) - Dries quickly with little impact on the grade and quality of the wood, but grey-brown stains and surface checks can occur. Please note that all wood is liable to move when in service plus there can be dimensional change. The extent of this will depend on; the stability of the species itself, the conditions it is exposed to, the coating, decoration and protection. You will find more information about the suitability of this wood, for any proposed application, by using our interactive system and the filters shown.

Bending properties normally very good. The wood is elastic, tough, strong (relative to its weight) and has good stiffness and hardness. Ash works well with machines and hand tools but has a tolerable blunting effect. The harder species need pre-drilling for nailing and screwing. Ash polishes, stains, oils and glues well.

Typical Uses:
Quality furniture, interior joinery, kitchens. Sports equipment such as oars, paddles, bats and cues. Handles for workshop and garden tools. Plus decorative veneers.

Spiritual Properties:
The ash tree and its wood help instil peace of mind and good health. It contains the qualities of reliability, faithfulness and loyalty.

Moisture Content:
8-12% KD

Possible Health Risks:
Dust may slightly affect breathing

Wood Worker's Thoughts:
Beautiful light coloured, grainy wood. It is hard with little 'give' and can be 'springy' due to the long grain and tension in the wood. Finishes very well.

Interesting Facts:
Has been used in boat building and in motorcar manufacture (such as Morris Minors) although as not classed as durable treatment is required. We have been involved in the manufacture and supply of timber components for classic car repairs.



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