A note from the provider: This 47,2" x 31,4" premium world push pin travel map is all made by hand with tremendous care, all the pieces of continents and islands are first laser cut, and then assembled by hand with great precision. It will make a great home or office decoration piece. It is made with sturdy and durable materials. The continental parts of it are made of cork, which is a fun and eco-friendly material to pin your trips on. Since the cork is laser cut, it makes a great relief and contrast with the background, which is made out of a compressed dark cardboard material. It also has another layer of MDF in the back to make it extra sturdy. This technique does not have the names of countries, seas and oceans (If you want one with the names, go to our mixed or printed techniques). It comes with metal hangers in the back so you can easily fix it to your wall.
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