Douglas Fir
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Pinaceae)

Pseudotsuga menziesii (Pinaceae) wood colour
Pseudotsuga menziesii (Pinaceae) wood grain

Moderately Durable


Price Rating:

Material Grade:
2/3 Clr & Btr

530 kg/m3

Typical Tree Height:

Trunk Diameter:

Length Ranges:

Width Ranges:


Douglas Fir

The sapwood of Douglas Fir can be whitish to pale yellow or red-pink, and varies in thickness. The heartwood is variable in colour, with a vast contrast between early wood and latewood. The grain is normally straight, and can be even, sometimes it is wavy or curly. The wood with narrow rings has a more uniform texture than wood with wider rings, which are often uneven. As a softwood Douglas Fir is surprisingly durable. Good for windows and doors and often used as structural members (especially when exposed or used as a feature such as roof trusses. Douglas fir has an attractive, distinctive, vibrant grain and has few knots. It is fairly uniform and finishes well.

Douglas Fir on the wood database Further reading on Douglas Fir timber:
If you would like to read a full profile specification on Douglas Fir timber, please visit our sister site, Any One wood, The online wood reference database.

Material Type:

Also Called:
Oregon Pine, Columbian Pine, British Columbian Pine, Blue Douglas Fir.

Durability Notes:
Douglas fir has some resistance to decay but is vulnerable to attack from longhorn and jewel beetles. The heartwood is resistant to preservative treatment and treatment is not normally effective althouugh the sapwood does accept treatment.

The drying and seasoning of Douglas Fir is dependant on a number of factors; the speed in which it is processed after felling and logging, the method of drying and the specific kilns or location (if air dried). Generally the care taken by those processing the wood will have an impact on its drying and seasoning. As an overview; Douglas Fir - Due to the low moisture content of the heartwood, the wood dries quickly and readily. There can be problems with staining from extractives and occasionally with honeycombing and ring failure. Please note that all wood is liable to move when in service plus there can be dimensional change. The extent of this will depend on; the stability of the species itself, the conditions it is exposed to, the coating, decoration and protection. You will find more information about the suitability of this wood, for any proposed application, by using our interactive system and the filters shown.

Douglas Fir has high crushing and stiffness strength. Medium resistance to shock loads. It works very well with hand and machine tools but does have a blunting effect on cutters. It planes, nails, screws, turns and glues very well. It has poor painting and varnishing qualities but stains adequately.

Typical Uses:
It produces more plywood than any other timber, and vast quantities of veneer. It is also used for structural beams, building, domestic and factory flooring, formwork, packing cases, marine piling, interior and exterior joinery, cabins, vats and railway sleepers (railroad ties).

Moisture Content:
12-18% KD

Possible Health Risks:

Wood Worker's Thoughts:
Nice timber to work with, there is a considerable hard and soft grain contrast both in appearance and texture


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